Count on Us as a Leader in Quality Clinical Solutions
Onsite Clinical Solutions provides a one-stop solution that includes everything you need to run a clinical trial, including patient recruitment, services for your trial, and study coordination.
Caring for people is our top priority. We know that the success of your trial rests on how well you treat your patients - so we always do what's best for them. That means providing experienced staff with an impressive track record of delivering safe and effective care.
Our Focus:Research for Tomorrow’s Treatments
Our Mission:
To provide quality research services to individuals who want to conduct a clinical trial.
Our Vision:
To achieve premier status as an Investigative Site Network of Physicians by working together effectively as researchers and clinicians to advance scientific knowledge and clinical care.
Our Goals and Principles:
Quality, integrity, and accuracy are the goals we strive to achieve. Care is exercised to ensure that each clinical trial undertaken receives the resources and personnel necessary to meet and exceed the expectations of each SMO, CRO, and Sponsor.
OnSite Clinical Solutions:Company Departments
Onsite clinical solutions is made up of passionate and hardworking employees that genuinely care.
We hire experienced and certified researchers, technology savvy individuals and active citizens within our community. Our teams are committed and prepared to meet the needs of all studies we conduct. We are committed to our sponsors, physicians and patients. Our employees go the extra mile for every single one of them each day.
Contact UsActive or Prospective Patients
For active patients or those looking to participate in a research study:
Phone: 1.800.785.3150 ext. 1
Sponsor New Study Inquiries
Sponsors may contact us about a new study:
Phone: 1.800.785.3150 ext. 2
All Other Inquiries
Phone: 1.800.785.3150 ext. 5
OnSite Clinical Solutions:Locations we Serve
Onsite clinical solutions is made up of passionate and hardworking employees that genuinely care.
We hire experienced and certified researchers, technology savvy individuals and active citizens within our community. Our teams are committed and prepared to meet the needs of all studies we conduct. We are committed to our sponsors, physicians and patients. Our employees go the extra mile for every single one of them each day.
Careers: Join the Team
If you have experience in a medical field, research, nursing or the willingness and aptitude to learn in a fast paced and ever changing environment we would love to hear from you.
Apply Today!